Think eco, buy reusable period pads
What does Eco-friendly means?
Being eco-friendly means having a lifestyle that makes the environment better. It means taking baby steps towards caring for the planet by using safe products in your daily life.
The word “green” is another word used by people relating something with being environmentally friendly.
How to start your eco-friendly journey?
If you wanted to build your eco-friendly lifestyle, switching to eco-friendly products would be great. Making the conscious effort to purchase reusable items is one of the ways you can start your green lifestyle.
Another way is to be mindful of the amount of what you’re buying. You should only buy what you need. Producing one product takes a lot of energy and resources and it actually has an impact on the environment. You’ll lessen these effects if you evaluate the quantity of your purchases.
You can also be sustainable in your wardrobe by buying secondhand clothes. This will reduce the clothing pollution. The best part is, you’ll save a lot of money! Another way is to use plant-based cleaners. Products that contain safe ingredients are good for the environment. Buy from brands that are transparent with their product’s ingredients.
Lastly, choose reusable items:
- Always bring reusable bags when grocery shopping.
- Buy your own reusable straw to sip that iced coffee.
- Use reusable cotton pads in removing your makeup.
- Try reusable cloth period pads.
- Bring your own bottle to the gym.