Flow Co Period Pads —A Better Alternative to Disposables
If you’re into sustainable you’ve probably see us already. We are Flow Co, an Australian brand that promotes eco-friendly alternative to period products. We believe in giving an affordable, more sustainable alternative to women, especially those who are underprivileged.
What products do we offer?
Flow Co offers three sizes of reusable period pads. We have small, medium, and large. The small sized pads are for women with light period flow. It also serves as a panty liner. The medium pads are for women with moderate to heavy flow. Lastly, the large pads are for women with heavy flow. This can also be used as incontinence pads. We will be launching our Flow Co menstrual cups as well. So watch out for that.
We also have period wet bags in 10 different designs matched with the pads. You can fit three to four period pads inside the wet bag. These bags can also serve as a pouch or pencil case. It is important to bring wet bags when you use reusable period pads so you can store the used period pads after using them. This will help you have a hassle-free period even when in public places.
Who are the founders of Flow Co?
Stacy English together with Jackson Earngey, a climate and humanitarian activists decided to launch this store with the main purpose of introducing cute and cost effective ways to help women have a waste free period. Flow Co believe that period products is a woman’s right and necessity.
What’s next for Flow Co
Flow Co aims to help women not only in Australia but all around the world. Just recently, $2223 worth of Flow Co pads were taken to a women’s shelter in Kenya. This donation is our way of giving back and will help a lot of women in Kenya to have access to high quality period products. We are working hard to reach more underprivileged women.
If you want to support us, you can make a donation every time you purchase from our online store. That little act of kindness will help more women in need. Thank you all for supporting Flow Co and for helping other women around the globe.